It is tempting to conclude that religion and pornography are two sides of the same coin.
No matter which side of the spectrum we are drawn to, most of us have a desire to express ourselves freely, sexually or otherwise, and we are drawn to examples of free expression in the movies. It is this same natural curiosity that draws us to pornography. (click here to read article)
Sex and the Movies
Observing the actions of dating and lovemaking in movies becomes a sort of participation in the rites themselves, in which audience members are touched by characters and receive sensual gratification from them. (click here to read entire article)
Someone is Watching Over You
In his 1966 film “Fahrenheit 451”, Francois Truffaut illuminates ideas Ray Bradbury laid down in his 1953 science fiction novel of mass media, information control and personal privacy, thus anticipating our current debate on net neutrality by more than 50 years. In...
Toward a Unified Story
Toward a Unified Story
Over eons the first stories morphed and multiplied into a myriad of stories. Now, through motion pictures and the Internet, the myths, legends, and histories of all traditions will merge back together again. Through the universal language of image and song, motion pictures are presenting the world with its unified story. Click to view entire article.
Early Movie Theater Prototype
Gothic artisans that provided ornate alters for the great cathedrals, had offspring who adapted the same skills, in later periods, to provide scenic backdrops for opulent operas and romance plays. The legacy continues to the artists, craftsmen and tradesmen working on location and in soundstages for our limit-pushing entertainments of today. “Click” to read entire article.
Filmmakers are not making up new stories. They are embellishing old ones.
A camera is a filmmaker’s story embellisher. A photographer’s lens allows the artist to emphasize certain specific, meaningful, aspects of a moment in time. “Click” to read entire article.
Here in New Mexico ancient civilizations left behind superb examples of cyclical rituals in which storytelling was central.
This brief history of storytelling can be used as a road map into the human brain regarding which stimuli the mind is most apt to be open to and what priority the mind gives to a given stimulus. “Click” to read entire article.
The camera may still derive some authority from our age-old habit of perceiving God as an all-seeing eye.
Motion pictures, dreams and rituals share several artifices in that respect, such as plasticity of time and space, the occurrence of vivid, uncanny detail, and situations where unconscious fears and desires are expressed. “Click” to read entire article.
what do I want that eye to see?
I think of someone who may be illiterate, they may be deaf, mute, or all of the above. For that matter, they could have only one eye and still watch my movie. When I make films, that person is my audience. I ask myself, what do I want that eye to see? “Click” to read entire article.
1 January 2010
I am coming out on my digital front porch to say hello, take in the view, and tell my story. “Click” to read entire article.