graphic design • paintings • illustration • fiction
My father was a fine artist. Drawing, writing, hand lettering and painting were skills with which I was familiar before taking any formal classes. Making posters for school election candidates was one of my first gigs. Alas, no examples survive.
On this page are samples of work from the past 15 years. The work is mostly handmade. I enjoy the craft and process of bringing diverse materials together and combining them in physical space as opposed to manipulating virtual stuff in digital space. The more manual skills I can exercise while creating a work the more satisfying it is for me. And in a world where almost everything 2D is made with the aid of a computer, it’s become novel and refreshing to see things that still reflect the hand of the artist.

Sirius Incoming presenting at 𝗖𝗨𝗥𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗦 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 𝗔𝗿𝘁 & 𝗧𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗻𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘆 𝗙𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗹! This June join us for our 15th year in Santa Fe’s Railyard Arts District at El Museo from June 14th- 23rd. 65 artworks by 97 individual and collaborating artists will be presented ranging from large scale Installations, Robotics, AI/Artist collaborations, Extended Reality, Experimental Video and Animation and Multimedia Performances.
NATURE and the MACHINE Book Cover

My new book is available June 15th. Many thanks to Melissa J White at Facing Pages for editorial and publishing guidance. You can order it here.
Thirty-six hand-pulled silk screen movie posters for sale These unique graphic poster prints of some of the most iconic movies of all time are in mint condition. Collected over the years, they are...
How dare we borrow from Matisse to sell shoes
Paula Goler and her sales staff in 35th Anniversary T shirts. I would have ensconced this bathing beauty in that shoe whether anyone else had use for her or not, but I was hoping Guadalupe and Paula...
Interview: Stryder Simms
“Like the soil in a forest or field, the creative process and creative collaboration is not only about the end product; it’s also about relating with aligned companions in the creative process.”
Dragon carp sculptures
The inspiration for two giant carp sculptures made completely from natural materials came from an ancient Chinese ink brush painting.
Graphics Lab Showroom
As each project spins off more and more possible outputs, there is no time to bring every new iteration to full fruition, so this gallery documents important watersheds of novel results, framed inside a moment in time in the studio, for potential further examination...
Life Drawings
The Argos Gallery maintained by Eli Levin in Santa Fe, NM is the location where most of these drawings were produced. I attended the life drawing sessions twice weekly, for a number of years beginning in 2003. The management of that drawing group was impeccable. The...
Attempting Homages
For several years I occupied my studio time making homages of old masterpieces. Most of these were painted between 2003 and 07. This batch of paintings built my confidence. Reinventing a masterwork with modern materials is so much easier than inventing one from...
Landscape Painting
My first art teacher was my dad, who painted watercolors from the early 1960s to the '90s. Growing up, when one of us kids said we were bored, Dad would say, “paint me a picture.” I would sit down with him and paint, then complain that my painting was inferior to his....
Excerpts from three novels
The Gnat that Ate the World
One could not imagine until we lived it, how it felt to enter a town whose entire occupants lay prostrate before an invisible power. When Annabell Trainer and Miguel Vega arrived at the port of Manaus exactly three weeks after Fernando Lollo was expedited to the United States for crimes against humanity, that same city was a ghost town. Except the ghosts were not invisible. The docks were littered with the bodies of men and women, rats, rotting fish and produce, crocodiles, mangy cats, dogs and a zillion flies and other winged marauders taking advantage of the suspension of human defenses...
The Shark Council
I’ll tell you exactly what happened. It was a lovely fall day, no fog, clear as glass. The Farallon Islands are twenty-seven miles out. You’d have thought you could swim to them. The Marin headlands, the lighthouse, the defunct windmills, they were all in view that morning because a storm had passed through the night before and blown everything away but the clear blue sky. All it left was sand in big drifts across the traffic lanes. That’s when the road crews pull the gate closed across the Great Highway from Sloat Street to the Golden Gate Park entrance and bring in their front end loaders...
Homesick Blues
On the morning of the feast of St. Nicholas, the edges of Manhattan architecture first glimmered for me in the hard frost of early December. I was about to go ashore after seven miserable days at sea. These last seven days falling at the end of a hundred traveled from the time of our departure at Denver when we were merely just flipping the bird at our past through the eye of an airplane. We had no idea what was coming. Enough said about that for now. New York, as many have said, introduces America splendidly from its harbor. The Empire State Building stands shoulders above the crowd like a...