Scorched Ladders

90 sec. trailer for the pilot of our current proposed episodic seriesThis month’s post was intended to analyze the movie “12” (2007) from the Russian Federation’s Nikita Mikhalkov. We will push that analysis forward another month so we can dedicate this month to our...

How dare we borrow from Matisse to sell shoes

How dare we borrow from Matisse to sell shoes

I would have ensconced this bathing beauty in that shoe whether anyone else had use for her or not, but I was hoping Guadalupe and Paula Goler would take notice. It began with a favorite painting by Matisse. A large, pink nude oil on canvas. The blue squares in back remind me of bath tiles. […]

The Chamisa Creatures are Coming

The Chamisa Creatures are Coming

Many seasons have passed since these native shrubs first began to be transformed into magical allies and indigenous dwellings here.

Buy Local

Buy Local

The origins of my display work go back to school days when I was first immersed in theater and stagecraft. There I contemplated the possibilities of influencing mood and psychology through the combination of light, sound and visual design. Then, just out of school, I had a magazine route, where I trafficked in print advertisement […]

Will Work for Shoes

Will Work for Shoes

  After nearly eight years of writing and posting monthly weblogs, featuring in-depth analysis of the greatest works of world cinema, as well as ten years of writing and directing a handful of original films and contributing time and skills to more than a dozen more, I’ve taken a sabbatical. You may have found us […]

Global cinema illuminates the web of the collective imagination

I am confident that the advent of this easily accessed, ever improving tool for multidimensional communication will open up space in our minds for enlightened insights that allow us to outrace our present impasse and relegate its numbing inertia to the past.

Costs of Conformity

“But what can be done when mercy has a greater force than law.” Quote opens the movie “12” (2007) by Nikita Mikhalkov.

Searching for Mercy

It is not as simple as black and white, since we are all composed of some of both, to differing degrees, but justice alone does not wield the sharpest blade. If apathy is the dulling trait we each most need to self negate, mercy is most deserving edge to activate by all peoples, parties and states.